Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My formal goodbye to Malice-as posted to their site 10/19/05

Well, I will post and expect this to be deleted as quickly as it was written, but here goes...
When my character was logged in while I was out of town, here's what happened.

To put an end to any rumor mill, no I did not, nor do I ever intend to give away and/or sell my characters. That's something that my husband and I have stood true to, as our characters live and die as we do... we just can't put a price on the time, effort, etc that we went through when we played our characters. This is just us, though we do understand also why people chose to do that themselves. This is just us.

Anyway, with that said, here is what happened more in depth. When I went to a friend's house during my trip, another friend of mine has a little brother, who happened to be playing EQ2. He's about idk 12 or so. Circumstances happened that when I arrived to my friends house, she had to make an emergency run to pick/drop someone off-- she is 7 months pregnant and carries some responsibility for her immediate family, etc.

So anyways, the little brother is low level and we started talking about Cyren. He had made mention that he would like to see her. Towards the end of my visit, I conceeded. I logged in on their computer for him to look around at my house and walk around through DoF and other zones without the worry of being killed in 2 secs flat. He had not downloaded the expansion, though he had bought it already, and since it was also loading that account on that computer for the first time, as well as not the fastest connections, it was going to be awhile before it would be ready to be logged in. At this point, it was getting late, and I didn't want to wait there anymore-- my kids were tired and so were both me and my fellow pregnant friend. So, I left the downloading/updating continue go on as I left. I told him not to talk to anyone unless it was a gm, to look around as he wanted, not talk in /gu, and be respectful. Of course he is just a kid.. and as I found out when I returned from a friend, he (the little brother) apparently had said some things that weren't cool. For that, I apologize. I did not want that to happen, and hense, have also bitched out the other friend about their little brother's actions.

Now, I will say that I guess, as it turns out, the parting of ways for us has been a mixed blessing. I had come to a point in the game where I just wasn't happy. I really needed more than ever to put my family first, and it became evident more and more by the day that it had not been happening like it should have. And with another baby on the way, and the things that are involved with it, I guess perhaps I was kidding myself in thinking that I would keep up with what was needed for the guild from me. This is probably the best thing for everyone I am sure. I hated argueing, and was depressed for a long time over things-- some of you, I have vented to, and know.. others saw the ugly side of me. Again, I apologize for my actions, and the actions of others that have led us to part ways. There were some very good times along the way. With the good, there is bad, but I can honestly say that I had a good time for the most part.
I wish you all the best of luck in all that you do.. in life, game, and otherwise.

Oh, and I'm going to post a few pictures from my sister's wedding on another thread-- Ethan had a frohawk, he looked really cute.

Again, no hard feelings and I wish you all the best of luck in all that you do.. in life, game, and otherwise.



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