GOODBYE Vanquished!

Take a Look at the bogus crap people said behind my back... GOODBYE Vanquished!!

It's amazing how universally stupid people can be. Drag and I decided to join Vanquished because of Pooden and Carli. At the time, they were extremely nice and all. I had to log because the kids were crying, and my comp was running maybe 10fps. It was ridiculous. So I evaced. O warned everyone what was going on, but apparently no one seemed to understand that cept Shrek. I told Drag I had to reboot on ts on the laptop. He told me what happened and sent me this screenshot. Abso-fucking ridiculous.
Of course, having seen that, Drag left Vanquished and so did me and Shrek.
Still, really sad to see that from other people but it shows how mature some really are.
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